Friday, June 18, 2010

Weddings on the Brain

Twice this week I've dreamed about engagements and weddings. Earlier I dreamed that one of our friends and his girlfriend got engaged and then Wednesday night I dreamed about my wedding. I don't remember much about the actual dream, but I remember we were outside and I was so happy. Stephen says it's our destination wedding.

I've been thinking a lot about our wedding. I know it will eventually happen and that when the time comes to plan, I will be freaking out trying to figure out where to start and how to make it all happen. I'm trying to get an early start on ideas and preferences by reading wedding blogs, and can I just say that all this wedding stuff is ridiculously expensive? The sticker shock has me reconsidering what On the plus side, I won't have sticker shock when the time comes because I've already been there.

1 comment:

Becky Mochaface said...

It is intimidating to look at the whole thing. What worked for me was to start with the big stuff and work my way down to the minute details. Then it wasn't nearly as scary.